This week I am talking to Leanne Halyburton about her book ‘How The ‘Dead’ Connect With Us – And Vice Versa: The many ways in which non-physical souls communicate with us – from our loved ones and spirit guides… to unbidden visitors!’
Leanne Halyburton – How I approach my work:
I have spent years studying and learning about the human mind, emotions, and spirituality. I started with myself, and then applied what I understood to my professional life. Within a short period of time of beginning my career as an Intuitive Consultant, I realised that being ‘psychic’ wasn’t enough. At least, not if I really wanted to help people in a productive way.
You see, things are not always as they appear on the surface. People are often different to their outer-projection. And we sometimes find ourselves getting into the same old situations without recognising that we are doing so or knowing how to break the pattern. Mere fortune telling can’t handle that kind of stuff, and without insight, some predictions are a lot less useful than they could be.
How The ‘Dead’ Connect With Us – And Vice Versa: The many ways in which non-physical souls communicate with us – from our loved ones and spirit guides… to unbidden visitors!
Isn’t ‘dead’ a harsh way of referring to those we have loved, but whose time in this physical world has come to an end? Of course it is… and the title of this book is intended to be a little tongue-in-cheek! Meanings of the word dead include, “no longer living, deprived of life, lifeless”; however, anyone who has ever experienced even the briefest of connections with a loved one who has – how shall we say it? – gone ahead, will know that those descriptions have nothing to do with human souls! After all, how can something that is ‘lifeless’ communicate with us? How can it be sensed, and felt? The answer is, it can’t. Only something that is life-filled can do those things. Just because one physical journey has come to a conclusion, it doesn’t mean that the story is over. A page, maybe… but definitely not the whole story.
However, in this book, the term ‘dead’ doesn’t just refer to those souls we have known, loved, and lost. Connections are sometimes made with souls we have never met… and, of course, it wouldn’t make sense not to talk about spirit guides!
How The ‘Dead’ Connect With Us – And Vice Versa, explores the different ways in which ‘they’ can connect with us, and us with them. Leanne Halyburton writes in her customary candid, down-to-earth way, weaving warmth – and a touch of humour – throughout the pages. She reassures and encourages, whilst approaching certain subjects in a rational way, including:
★ Intuitive development
★ Mediums
★ Spirit guides
★ Hauntings
★ Ouja
★ Trapped energetic ‘recordings’
Bonus material
The first chapter from, Our Life Beyond Death – An Incredible Journey
Two beautiful, heartfelt poems.
If you are looking for a fascinating, easy read that will leave you with a little food for thought, whilst reassuring you that you are NOT going crazy when you experience a spontaneous connection with a lost loved one, then, How The ‘Dead’ Connect With Us – And Vice Versa, might just be worth a try!