The Past Lives Podcast Ep8 – Dr Bob Davis

Children's Memories of Past Lives, Near Death Experience, Past Life Regression, Podcasts
This week I talk to Dr Bob Davis about his book 'Life After Death: An Analysis of the Evidence'. This is a wide ranging discussion that takes in lots of different aspects of evidence for life after death. Dr Bob Davis explores the potential for an afterlife through the analysis of case studies, interviews, and researched findings of near-death and out-of-body experiences, mediumship, apparitions, psychic explanations, and reincarnation. In addition, he examines evidence-based scientific theories that include the multiverse, biologic brain activity, consciousness-brain connection, and many others. Davis offers compelling data in an unbiased presentation to answer the age-old question: Is death really the end of life or is there life after death? The link for his book is below;
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep7 – Cliff Aguirre

Past Life Regression
The episode this week features an interview with Cliff Aguirre where we discuss his book 'Journey Back'. Journey Back is a collection of past-life regressions involving 27 volunteers who desired to investigate their pasts under hypnosis. The stories uncovered were fascinating and eye opening. They opened the door to an awareness that suggests that we have existed in multiple lives with multiple lessons and experiences. Cliff's website is,204,203,200_QL70_&dpSrc=srch
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep6 – Click Here To Listen

Past Life Regression
This is part 2 of the interview with Barbara Bartolome. This week she describes her past life regression and her amazing intuition. Barbara is founder of Santa Barbara IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies). The organization's purpose is promoting responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences, examining their effects on people’s lives, and their implications for the change to our beliefs about life, death, and human purpose.
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep5 – Click Here To Listen

Past Life Regression
Barbara Bartolome is my guest this week and this is the first part of my two part interview. We have a great talk about her near death experience. Barbara had her first NDE in 1987 when she went into cardiac arrest during a pre-surgery medical procedure. After being successfully resuscitated, she alarmed the medical staff by accurately recounting their individual comments and actions. Barbara  is founder of Santa Barbara IANDS (International Association for Near Death Studies). The organization's purpose is promoting responsible, multi-disciplinary exploration of near-death and similar experiences, examining their effects on people’s lives, and their implications for the change to our beliefs about life, death, and human purpose.
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