The Past Lives Podcast Ep212 – Sandra Champlain

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Sandra Champlain about her new documentary 'Rinaldi - Instrumental Transcommunication to the Other Side'. In her laboratory in Brazil, Sonia Rinaldi was making "phone calls" to the deceased. Grieving parents would call her and she would have her ear on one receiver and let those in the afterlife use the other receiver. In the background, she would play audios containing sounds of broken-up human voices to record the "electronic voice phenomenon" or EVPs. Parents were encouraged to talk with their children and Sonia recorded their voices on her computer. When replaying the recording, their children's voices would be heard in conversation with the parents. This has been a labor of love for Sonia and she has never charged a penny for her work. Sonia Rinaldi's…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep211 – Mark Pitstick

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Dr. Mark Pitstick about his book 'The Afterlife Evidence: Comforting and Convincing Proof That No One Really Dies'. We live in an extremely exciting time in which life after death has been proven by scientific research, clinical studies, and firsthand experiences. Deeply knowing that life continues after the body dies is a HUGE key to living fully and fearlessly during your earthly experience. For the first time in human history, you can know – without a doubt – that life after death is real. The collective evidence validates afterlife teachings by religious and spiritual groups over the millennia. You can now breathe a huge sigh of relief, release all fear that death is an end, and enjoy the greatest life you have envisioned. Mark worked…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep210 – Ron Yacovetti

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Ron Yacovetti about his book 'Paranormally Speaking: Knowingly Talking to the Unknown'. Paranormally Speaking: Knowingly Talking to the Unknown is a philosophical and satirical straight forward insight into the post taboo world of paranormal research and investigation as told by ITC and DRV Researcher, Ron “The Yacman” Yacovetti. With an eclectic background in stand-up comedy, broadcasting and over a decade of paranormal experience, Ron takes a pull no punches approach to important and sometimes underrecognized issues such as code of conduct, evidence review, reverence for our founders, the need for continuous education as well as the critical question we should all be asking ourselves, “Why am I doing this?”. This book spotlights the mystical and methodical ways to communicate with spirits, an area of study…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep208 – Jeannie Reed

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Jeannie Reed about her book 'The Afterlife Book: Because You Never Got a Chance To Say Goodbye'. These days we're taught that death is the period at the end of the sentence of life. A hard stop. The end. So, many of us have never had faith in the idea that death might just be a simple transition to another form of life. But suppose that's what it is? And suppose there's proof? The Afterlife Book takes a close look at the hidden workings of the spirit world and the endless life of the soul, how it all seems to function, and the earthly forces at play that influence the relationship between the afterlife and life as we know it. In the Book you'll find ancient mystics,…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep207 – Susanne J. Wilson

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Susanne J. Wilson about her book 'Soul Smart : What The Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication.' SoulSmart: What The Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication provides easy-to-follow steps that anyone can use to make his own direct connection with his own spirit guides and beloved people and pets now in spirit. SoulSmart presents a fascinating behind the scenes look at what the spirit world is doing to make the communication happen. The reader will learn how to establish the right conditions to invite dream visits and meditation visits with spirit loved ones, as well as how to meet and work with his spirit guides. BioSusanne Wilson is a scientifically authenticated evidence-based medium and spiritual teacher. Born gifted, Susanne hid in the "psychic closet" while…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep206 – Gregory Shushan

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Gregory Shushan PhD, about his book 'THE NEXT WORLD: Extraordinary Experiences of the Afterlife'. In The Next World, historian of religions Gregory Shushan explores the relationships between extraordinary experiences and beliefs in life after death. He first shows how throughout history and around the world, near-death experiences have influenced ideas about the afterlife. Shushan also takes a deep dive into the problem of similarities and differences between NDE accounts. Not only do they vary widely, but so does a culture’s way of responding to them and integrating them into their belief systems. In this book Shushan also compares NDEs with accounts of shamanic spirit journeys to afterlife realms, intermission states between reincarnations from people who remember past lives, and descriptions of otherworlds by souls of…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep202 – Richard Martini

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Richard Martini about his book 'Tuning into the Afterlife: How to Stay in Touch with the Flipside'. This is the Ninth Book of Richard Martini's Journey into the Flipside. Starting with "Flipside: A tourist's guide on how to Navigate the afterlife" Richard has been filming people under hypnosis talking about the afterlife, as well as filming people not under hypnosis talking about the afterlife. He's done interviews with mediums who work with law enforcement agencies nationwide on missing person cases ("Backstage Pass to the Flipside" with Jennifer Shaffer books 1, 2 and 3). He and Jennifer have a podcast where they weekly speak directly to folks no longer on the planet. ( The last book was "Architecture of the Afterlife" where he used the example…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep201 – Piero Calvi-Parisetti

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Piero Calvi-Parisetti about his book 'Step Into the Light: Transform your fear of death by learning about life after life'. What happens when we die? Is death annihilation – the end of everything as far as we are concerned – or is there an afterlife? And if there indeed is one, what does it look like? Instead of speculating philosophically or reviewing different religious beliefs, this book looks directly at the testimony we have from witnesses with a direct experience of death: those who’ve had a deathbed vision, those who’ve had a Near-Death Experience and those who have actually died and allegedly went on living in a nonmaterial dimension we call the spirit world. To begin with, the author engages you in a scientific “detective…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep200 – Bud Megargee

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I'm talking to Bud Megargee 'Soul Afterlife: Beyond the Near-Death Experience'. Bud has said he will give away a free download of his book from Audible to the first 5 listeners who send their email address to him. His website address is in the shownotes. Since the dawn of time, human beings have asked the seemingly unanswerable question: what happens when we die? And saints and sages throughout the ages have given their interpretation of what awaits us on the other side. But few have taken this inquiry as far as Bud Megargee, a corporate-executive-turned-soul-explorer whose latest book explores in exquisite detail the mechanics of what happens to our souls before, during, and after our lives on earth. Megargee's questioning started decades ago as a psychology grad student…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep199 – Julie Ryan

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Julie Ryan about her book 'Angelic Attendants: What Really Happens As We Transition From This Life Into The Next'. Julie Ryan is an inventor, entrepreneur, medical intuitive and psychic whose learned skills have helped many families understand the glorious side of the dying process. This process involves angels, multitudes of deceased family and friends, the spirits of deceased pets, and countless serendipitous (and miraculous) moments that are all part of a prescribed series of events she calls the Twelve Phases of Transition™. During what is normally an incredibly heart-wrenching time, families almost always experience profound comfort once Julie describes what’s happening from the perspective of the spirit world—including which spirits and deceased pets from the “other side” have come to assist the dying person,…
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