The Past Lives Podcast Ep125 – Preston Dennett

The Past Lives Podcast Ep125 – Preston Dennett

This week I am talking to Preston Dennett about his book 'Onboard UFO Encounters: True Accounts of Contact with Extraterrestrials'. Preston began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena. He is a field investigator for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), a ghost hunter, a paranormal researcher, and the author of twenty-six books and more than 100 articles about UFOs and the paranormal. His articles have appeared in numerous magazines including Fate, Atlantis Rising, MUFON UFO Journal, Nexus, Paranormal Magazine, UFO magazine, Mysteries Magazine, Ufologist, Phenomena Magazine, Outer Limits Magazine and others. His writing has been translated into several different languages…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep124 – Steve Burgess

The Past Lives Podcast Ep124 – Steve Burgess

Past Life Regression, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Steve Burgess about his book 'The Power of Past Life Regression'.Welcome to the exciting world of past life regression! Hypnotherapist Steve Burgess has conducted many thousands of past life regression sessions and this book details some of the incredible healings his clients have experienced as a result of past life therapy. Each of the client’s stories is vividly re-told using the words that they spoke whilst in trance in their regression sessions. They paint exciting pictures and describe in detail the events that took place in the past lives, often giving a fascinating insight into life in former times. If you’re interested in spiritual issues or in learning more about reincarnation and how our previous lives affect our present life, you’ll be fascinated to…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep123 – Roy Stemman

The Past Lives Podcast Ep123 – Roy Stemman

Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Roy Stemmen about his book 'The Big Book of Reincarnation: Examining the Evidence that We Have All Lived Before'. Roy Stemman has been researching a range of paranormal subjects since his teenage years. A professional journalist and self-described "skeptical believer," Roy applies a scientific analysis of the claims made by those working in the fascinating area of reincarnation. He is the author of numerous books. In The Big Book of Reincarnation, Roy Stemman attempts to answer one of the big questions of existence: Is death the end? Or, is it the merely the end of a chapter in the book of existence? Roy Stemman uses his skills as a professional journalist to perform an in-depth exploration of reincarnation. Using case studies, anecdotes, and physical…
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The Past Lives Podcast – NDE Episode

The Past Lives Podcast – NDE Episode

Near Death Experience, Podcasts
In the NDE episodes I look at different aspects of the Near Death Experience. In the course of producing the podcast episodes I have talked to many people that have either had a Near Death Experience or research them. What I have done here is take clips from those episodes to see what they have to say about these different aspects. In this episode I am going to look at the aspects perception and the spiritual realm. What was their perception like after they left their bodies? What was their perception like when they had further into the experience? These different descriptions from the people who have had NDEs are fascinating and give us an idea of what it is like to leave the body. Part two of the episode…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep122 – Joe McQuillen

The Past Lives Podcast Ep122 – Joe McQuillen

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Joe McQuillen about his book 'My Search for Christopher on the Other Side'. My Search for Christopher on the Other Side, an unforgettable book of a father’s relentless love for his lost son, began on a freezing January morning in 2016. Joe McQuillen’s life was turned inside out when he received a call that his son, Christopher, along with three of his friends, was missing. They had been at a friend’s lake house, celebrating the end of Christmas break from college. Sometime during the evening of revelry, the four young men jumped into a canoe, paddled out onto the icy lake, capsized, and drowned. Christopher’s body was recovered first; the others over the next several dark days. Thus began Joe’s journey through grief, awakening,…
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