The Past Lives Podcast Ep209 – David Rippy

Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I'm talking to David Rippy about his book 'Always Immortal: Uncovering Past Lives and Life After Death through Hypnotic Regression'. Few people know that the teachings of reincarnation were taken out of the Bible in 553 A.D. Follow along with these ten clients who recount unique and exciting past lives throughout the ages. Journey along with a client who shares a life as a psychic and seer. Another client recounts an amazing life living as a priest in Mesopotamia leading secret meetings with fellow believers that ran counter to the Roman Pagan influence and religion of the time. Learn about clients’ experiences at their soul council meetings and their interactions with archangels, ascended masters, and spirit guides. Learn the divine advice they received on the direction their lives…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep205 – Carol Bowman

Children's Memories of Past Lives, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Carol Bowman about her essay 'Beyond Disbelief: Children’s Past Lives and the Continuum of Personality'. Carol Bowman, M.S. is an internationally known author, lecturer, counselor, past life regression therapist, and pioneer in reincarnation studies. Her books, Children’s Past Lives (Bantam, 1997) and Return from Heaven (HarperCollins, 2001) are now classics in the reincarnation field, and have been published and read around the world in 22 foreign editions. Carol has been a practicing past life regression therapist for adults for 30 years. She is a graduate of Simmons College in Boston. She studied with the pioneers in the field of past life regression, and holds an M.S. in Counseling from Villanova University. Return from Heaven: Beloved Relatives Reincarnated Within Your Family For the first time…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep194 – Karen Joy

Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week on The Past Lives Podcast I am talking to Karen Joy about her book 'Lost Soul, Wise Soul: How Challenging Past Lives Shape Our Future'. Drawing on her most compelling client cases, author Karen Joy shows you the natural arc of a soul's journey over many lifetimes—including violent or negative ones—until we finally come back to the light. This book reveals how souls begin, how they enter lives on earth, and how experiencing a diverse range of lives teaches them to be wiser and happier. Your soul's journey is sometimes burdened with difficult past lives, and they can cause your present self to replay or struggle with negative experiences. Through fascinating and inspiring case studies, Lost Soul, Wise Soul shows that you can overcome a history of unethical…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep190 – Shelley

Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD about her new book 'Blast from the Past: Healing Spontaneous Past Life Memories'. Like many people all over the world, you have probably experienced Supretrovie— spontaneous past life recall—and perhaps not even realized it. Now you can turn that experience into an opportunity for transformative healing using this book's impressive collection of research, case studies, and hands-on exercises. Sudden sickness when visiting a specific location, bad vibes when boarding a ship, and unexplainable emotions when meeting someone new are classic examples of Supretrovie. Blast from the Past shows you how to identify when it happens and use it to explore your previous lives without a regression session. Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD, teaches you how to use gemstones, journaling, and travel…
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The Past Lives Podcast Extra – Toni Reilly

Podcasts, Reincarnation
On This extra episode I'm talking to Toni Reilly. In 2008 Toni trained with renowned psychiatrist Dr. Brian Weiss in New York where she built on her deep understanding of the regression technique and unique methods of application. Toni explored mediumship and intuitive development at the prestigious Arthur Findlay College in the UK. This world-class training, her extensive experience along with her modern approach to personal development and intuitive training for everyday people makes her one of the most sought-after intuitive teachers. As the Founder, of Toni Reilly Institute, she delivers programs, seminars and training to audiences across Australia and Internationally in Denmark, USA, India, and the UK. Her pragmatic approach and sensitivity ensured Toni’s success in the wellbeing industry making her a great role model to her students, with…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep189 – Paul Aurand

Podcasts, Reincarnation
Past Life Regression. In this week's Patreon episode I am talking to Paul Aurand about his book 'Essential Healing: Hypnotherapy and Regression-Based Practices to Release the Emotional Pain and Trauma Keeping You Stuck'. Essential HealingHeal the emotional scars of the past and develop profound spiritual awareness with innovative, hypnotherapy and regression-based practices. Deep within you resides a great spirit—a place of profound wisdom, creativity, power, and love. But layers of hurt from early life, and from the defenses you’ve created to avoid further hurt, have accumulated and diminished that spirit over time—lifetimes, really—obscuring what is magnificent about you—your authentic self. This transformational and healing guide will help you awaken to the wisdom within yourself, break through the layers of emotional protection you’ve placed around your heart, and heal the scars…
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The Past Lives Podcast – Extra Episode

Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
A Past Life Regression. This extra episode is audio from a recent past life regression I conducted. The client has very generously allowed her session being turned into an episode. This is something the client said in her intake form 'My anxiety presents itself by visual flashes of dying by a horrific sudden accident (all different ways- and all sudden deaths) and wondering if that is related to a past life'. After the regression the client sent me an email where she this 'I’m feeling wonderful, so light, like a heavy weight has lifted. I have not had one vision of sudden death since Saturday. I have tried to trick my mind into “seeing” something but it is very, very faint, and the disturbing nature of it is absolutely gone.…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep170 – Dr Jim Tucker

Children's Memories of Past Lives, Podcasts, Reincarnation
Children with past life memories. This week I am talking to Dr Jim Tucker about his book 'Before: Children's Memories of Previous Lives'. A fully updated 2-in-1 edition, with a new introduction by the author, combining Dr. Jim B. Tucker's bestselling books about children who remember past lives―Return to Life and Life Before Life. These two books contain accounts of Jim B. Tucker's experiences with a number of extraordinary children with memories of past lives. Building on the international research started by his University of Virginia colleague Ian Stevenson, Tucker's work has been lauded by the likes of Larry Dossey and Deepak Chopra. Tucker takes a serious-minded approach to each case. His goal is to determine what happened--what the child has said, how the parents have reacted, whether the child's…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep135 – Dr. John Webber

Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Dr. John Webber about his book 'The Red Chair: When Traditional Psychiatry Is Not Enough, a Psychiatrist and His Patient Discover the Power of Past-Life Regression'. Psychiatrist John Webber was barely keeping his patient Judy alive. Therapy revealed Judy's irrepressible yet impulsive nature as well as insights into her traumatic past. Traditional treatment - including, psychotherapy, numerous medications, and electroconvulsive therapy - were not working. Knowing Judy had experienced spiritual phenomena when near death, they decided to challenge the boundaries of Western medicine by trying hypnosis and past-life regression. In what followed, they discovered past lives and a connection with a spirituality, which led them to the healing they had previously thought impossible. Dr. Webber has worked in a successful private practice for 30…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep131 – Mark Gober

Near Death Experience, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Mark Gober about his book 'An End to Upside Down Living: Reorienting Our Consciousness to Live Better and Save the Human Species'. What drives all of your life's priorities, values, and decisions? In the sequel to An End to Upside Down Thinking, Mark Gober builds a science-based worldview from which we can create a compass for living. In stark contrast to his prior belief system, Gober explains why life is actually full of meaning. From this perspective, he lays out how we might approach life accordingly, along with the well-traveled "awakening" path that we're likely to encounter. At this pivotal juncture in human history, approaching life in a new way is the antidote that our civilization desperately needs. Mark Gober is the author of…
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