The Past Lives Podcast Ep70 – Linda Deir

Afterlife, Podcasts
The guest this week is Linda Deir. We talk about her book 'Guided: Her Spirit Guide Angels Were Her Best Friends and Life Coaches'. At the hands of her bully mother, just 20 months old, Linda’s life was in danger. Out of options, she ran away from home only to be returned by the Sacramento police. It was the 1950s, a time when there were no child protective services, so the police officers chalked it up as a family matter. After they left, her mother brought her inside and beat her into unconsciousness. Waking up on the floor in a puddle of water, Linda was terrified to find herself right back in the hell she tried to escape. Now, completely out of options, she cried out loud for someone to…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep69 – Sharon Hewitt Rawlette

Afterlife, Near Death Experience, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week my guest is Sharon Hewitt Rawlette. We talk about possible sources for coincidences such as spirit guides, God, deceased loved ones and what they mean. We go through many different areas and it's a fascinating conversation. This all comes from her new book The Source and Significance of Coincidences: A Hard Look at the Astonishing Evidence. Every now and then, we all have experiences that seem too meaningful to be chance but that we can't explain in any normal way. Now, philosopher Sharon Hewitt Rawlette tackles some of the hardest questions surrounding such coincidences, also known as "synchronicities": How can we calculate whether a synchronicity is too improbable to be just chance? What hard evidence is there that these events convey genuine messages from God or our deceased…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep68 – Dr Eben Alexander

Near Death Experience, Podcasts
Dr Eben Alexander is my guest this week. We talk abut his amazing near death experience. Dr. Eben Alexander spent over 25 years as an academic neurosurgeon, including 15 years at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital, the Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston. Over those years he personally dealt with hundreds of patients suffering from severe alterations in their level of consciousness. Many of those patients were rendered comatose by trauma, brain tumors, ruptured aneurysms, infections, or stroke. He thought he had a very good idea of how the brain generates consciousness, mind and spirit. In the predawn hours of November 10, 2008, he was driven into coma by a rare and mysterious bacterial meningo-encephalitis of unknown cause. He spent a week in coma on a ventilator, his…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep67 – Scott De Tamble

Afterlife, Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
In this episode I interview Scott Fitzgerald De Tamble. Scott is a clinical hypnotherapist in Southern California specializing in Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression. Over the past 18 years, he has dedicated himself to guiding thousands of people to a deeper understanding of their immortal soul, and their current life’s mission. He is a contributing author to several books including “Memories of the Afterlife,” and “Wisdom of Souls.” His session work has been spotlighted in Richard Martini’s books, “Flipside,” “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife,” “Hacking the Afterlife," and the upcoming book by Michael Kramer, "Soul to God.” He is currently researching and writing a book about his adventures in spiritual hypnotherapy. In addition to his continuing session work in-office and via distance/internet, Scott shares talks in spirituality,…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep 66 – Mira Kelley

Afterlife, Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
Mira Kelley is the guest on this episode of The Past Lives Podcast. We talk about Mira's book, 'Beyond Past Lives: What Parallel Realities Can Teach Us about Relationships, Healing, and Transformation'. In this book, regressionist Mira Kelley shares the life-changing lessons she has learned from her clients to help you find support and understanding, and to empower you in your own growth. Mira teaches you how to connect with your Higher Self in any moment to receive guidance. You’ll come to understand how everything around you is just a reflection of yourself, why is it important to forgive, why you have the right to love yourself, and how the Universe always supports you lovingly and unconditionally. The stories contained in these pages will help you discover how to heal…
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