The Past Lives Podcast Ep78 – Claire Broad

Afterlife, Podcasts
In this episode of The Past Lives Podcast I talk to the medium Claire Broad about her new book 'What The Dead Are Dying To Teach Us: Lessons Learned from the Afterlife'. As a young child, Claire experienced psychic phenomena, as she grew older her experiences and the communications she received became stronger, resulting in Spirit teachers making their presence known and guiding her. Naturally analytical and now an adult, Claire was forced to question the validity of her experiences against the common academic opinion surrounding survival after physical death and embarked upon a life long quest for the truth. In her refreshingly down to earth, honest and open manner, Claire shares personal stories to bring comfort and hope to many whilst highlighting findings from consciousness studies that challenge our…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep77 – Bill Bennett

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Bill Bennett about his film 'PGS The Movie'. PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System is an 83 minute movie detailing one man’s search for a voice that saved his life. While driving early one morning, Bill Bennett heard a voice which told him to slow down. He was approaching an intersection, he slowed down, and a huge truck ran a red light, missing him by inches. If not for that voice, Bill would have been killed. He was determined to find out what that voice was, so he spent three years traveling the world interviewing experts on intuition, spanning the fields of science, religion and spirituality. Bill discovered that intuition is part of a subtle energetic system that seeks to protect us…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep76 – Tricia Robertson

Afterlife, Podcasts
In this episode I am talking to Tricia Robertson about her book 'More Things you Can do When You're Dead: What Can You Truly Believe?' In this eagerly awaited sequel to her successful book, Things You Can Do When You're Dead, foremost psychical investigator Tricia Robertson digs deeper into her extensive casebook to discuss a wide range of physical and mental phenomena which provide evidence for survival after death. Yet again this book is written with a no-nonsense approach to phenomena and in a knowledgeable, enjoyable, easily understood style. Book one really fired up people's appetite for more about paranormal phenomena in general and survival in particular. More Things You Can Do When You're Dead examines more cases of genuine poltergeist activity, apparitions, mediumship, paranormal healing and reincarnation, but also…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep75 – Wendy Rose Williams

Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Wendy Rose Williams. A short while ago we asked for questions for her on the Facebook group and Wendy also put out a request for questions. In this episode we talk about many different aspects of being a Certified Spiritual Teacher. Wendy is a Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master Energy Healer. Certified for Regression Healing and Past-Life Regression(Quantum Healing Centre, United Kingdom) Trained with Dr. Brian Weiss ("Many Lives, Many Masters") Life Between Lives Regression Therapy (Karen Wells) Ordained Minister Wendy had a Near-Death Experience (NDE) in 1997. She met her Angels for the first time while home alone, lying unconscious on the floor with a ruptured aorta. Meeting the soul mate Wendy contracted with to 'wake her up spiritually' led her to Dr. Michael…
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