The Past Lives Podcast Ep134 – Leanne Halyburton

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Leanne Halyburton about her book 'How The 'Dead' Connect With Us - And Vice Versa: The many ways in which non-physical souls communicate with us - from our loved ones and spirit guides… to unbidden visitors!' Leanne Halyburton - How I approach my work: I have spent years studying and learning about the human mind, emotions, and spirituality. I started with myself, and then applied what I understood to my professional life. Within a short period of time of beginning my career as an Intuitive Consultant, I realised that being ‘psychic’ wasn’t enough. At least, not if I really wanted to help people in a productive way. You see, things are not always as they appear on the surface. People are often different to…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep133 – Alison Ward

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Alison Ward about her book 'Reluctantly Psychic: True Stories of Awakenings and Soul Purpose'. The book is split into different sections starting off with: Being an empath followed by stories of empaths' journeys, animal communications - three stories about having a strong connection with animals. The Magic of Miracle stories will blow you away and get you thinking: "Am I reluctantly psychic?", OBE’s (out of body experiences) that often freak us out but are often signs of being from another planet or simply being looked after by our deceased loved ones. We have a finding soul mates section where amongst the authors finding their soul's purpose in life, they also find their soul mates. We then go on to the healing journey where new…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep132 – David Wallace

Near Death Experience, Podcasts
This week I am talking to David Wallace about his book 'The Journey of Our Souls: What You Can Learn From One Man's Multiple Near-Death Experiences'. David Wallace's story is one of challenges and spiritual transformations that have allowed him to develop extraordinary skills and talents. Beginning with a head injury at age five that resulted in an out-of-body experience, David began experiencing strange phenomena including being able to guess correctly what his Christmas presents held. In "The Journey of Our Souls", David shares not only his personal and spiritual experiences, but also how his understanding of the afterlife and the Universe have been enriched by his Hawaiian culture. Today, he uses his hard-won wisdom and talents to help others do everything from getting proper diagnoses for their medical ailments…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep131 – Mark Gober

Near Death Experience, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Mark Gober about his book 'An End to Upside Down Living: Reorienting Our Consciousness to Live Better and Save the Human Species'. What drives all of your life's priorities, values, and decisions? In the sequel to An End to Upside Down Thinking, Mark Gober builds a science-based worldview from which we can create a compass for living. In stark contrast to his prior belief system, Gober explains why life is actually full of meaning. From this perspective, he lays out how we might approach life accordingly, along with the well-traveled "awakening" path that we're likely to encounter. At this pivotal juncture in human history, approaching life in a new way is the antidote that our civilization desperately needs. Mark Gober is the author of…
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