The Past Lives Podcast Ep160 – Ginette Biro

Near Death Experience, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Ginette Biro about her book 'Avalon to Aurora | Lessons From The Other Side To Guide Your Life On Earth: A Medium's Near-Death Experience'. What can the afterlife teach us? Ginette Biro has traveled to the other side and back through a near-death experience, and she has a powerful story to tell. As a gifted medium and cosmic channeler, Ginette brings a unique perspective to this rare experience. In her first book, she shares the journey of awakening to her gifts, the challenges leading up to her crossing over, and the choice she had to stay or return. "Avalon to Aurora: Lessons From The Other Side To Guide Your Life On Earth" will inspire you to expand your consciousness through a glimpse into the…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep159 – Robert Ginsberg

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Robert Ginsberg about his book 'The Medium Explosion: A Guide to Navigating the World of Those Who Claim to Communicate with the Dead' and The Forever Family Foundation. The appearance of mediums, those who claim to be able to communicate with the dead, is not a recent phenomenon. Mediums have been practicing since the late 1800s, and in the Victorian Era had a strong presence throughout the United States and the world. However, we have never seen the sheer number of such practitioners that exist today. The media has contributed to this proliferation, as TV shows and films involving paranormal and spiritual themes have enjoyed great success. But there is a problem. The overwhelming majority of mediums today cannot do what they claim. Some…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep158 – Stewart Alexander

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Stewart Alexander about his physical mediumship and his book 'An Extraordinary Journey: The Memoirs of a Physical Medium'. Stewart was featured in the Netflix series Surviving Death. In the little known and controversial world of physical mediumship, Stewart Alexander is probably the least controversial and most respected among his peers and skeptics alike. His abilities - including extraordinary physical phenomena, evidence from loved ones, and book tests - have been experienced and put to the test by countless people for more than forty years. What started out as a curiosity through reading and study more than fifty years ago became his life's work - a life of patience, perseverance and service to the living and to the Spirit world, as he gradually overcame his…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep157 – Marla Frees

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Marla Frees about her book 'American Psychic: A Spiritual Journey from the Heartland to Hollywood, Heaven, and Beyond'. We cover her experiences with James Van Praagh, Brian Weiss, training in remote viewing and UFOs. From homicide cases to U.S. military psychic spies, messages from the other side to spiritual healing—Marla Frees uses her gifts from “Spirit” to help others. While shooting a TV commercial in Los Angeles, Marla Frees was given a message. The father of the actor sitting across from her wanted the actor to know he was happy about the new baby. But there was a twist—the father was deceased. The actor was shocked. Marla was God-smacked. Increasingly, messages from deceased loved ones and a powerful psychic awareness demanded her attention. Marla…
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