The Past Lives Podcast Ep135 – Dr. John Webber

This week I am talking to Dr. John Webber about his book ‘The Red Chair: When Traditional Psychiatry Is Not Enough, a Psychiatrist and His Patient Discover the Power of Past-Life Regression’.

Psychiatrist John Webber was barely keeping his patient Judy alive. Therapy revealed Judy’s irrepressible yet impulsive nature as well as insights into her traumatic past. Traditional treatment – including, psychotherapy, numerous medications, and electroconvulsive therapy – were not working.

Knowing Judy had experienced spiritual phenomena when near death, they decided to challenge the boundaries of Western medicine by trying hypnosis and past-life regression.

In what followed, they discovered past lives and a connection with a spirituality, which led them to the healing they had previously thought impossible.

Dr. Webber has worked in a successful private practice for 30 years. His areas of interest and supervision include bipolar disorder, depressive disorders and anxiety disorders. His work has included mentoring and supervision of young psychiatrists. Eight years ago, events that included “Many Lives, Many Masters” by Brian Weiss inspired him to include hypnosis, past-life regression, and a greater appreciation of psychic and spiritual matter in his practice.