The Past Lives Podcast Ep175 – Donna Rebadow

Near Death Experience. This week I am talking to Donna Rebadow. Donna had a Near Death Experience 1997 and has been aware of her spirit guides and her ESP since she was 4 years old. Donna is the host of The “Exploring Consciousness” Podcast.

Donna’s Bio
I am a retired college professor in the areas of physical education, health science, psychology, personal computers and alternative & Chinese Medicine. I have 5 college degrees, and I try to read about a book a day. I figure that I should do something with all of this knowledge and experience, eh?!

I have been aware of my guides/guardians and my extra sensory perception since I was 4 years old. I’m an teacher, artist, musician, writer, poet, humanitarian, former professional athlete, sports medicine acupuncturist, podcaster, NDEer, student pilot, small business owner, mystic, former coach, former athletic director, former chaplain, former guide dog trainer, and worldwide volunteer with newly found psychic abilities. I’m now in the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame with all of my teammates from the Wayland Baptist Women’s Basketball Teams from 1948-1982, the largest class in history!

I had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in July of 1997 that has taken me years to understand its ramifications.

I started getting serious about exploring consciousness right before I retired from teaching. I had been getting the “Explore” magazine for several years and was only able to start reading the articles in late 2014. The first article I read was about Dr. Bill Bengston. Then I read his book, “The Energy Cure” and things have taken off since then.

I hosted Dr. Bengston on the Paradise Valley Community College campus in February of 2015 and have been practicing his method with a small group of like-minded people in the Phoenix area since then. I retired from teaching in May 2015.

I now had time to explore consciousness, wherever that would take me.

One of my Bengston Group individuals asked me to go with them to the Panache Desai Global Gathering in Orlando, Florida in the fall of 2016. I read Panche’s book “Discovering Your Soul Signature” and both Oprah Winfrey and I have found him to be a fascinating person. One of his guest speakers in Orlando was Dr. Joe Dispenza. What he said blew me away and I knew I had to start reading his books, “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself,” “You are the Placebo,” and “Becoming Supernatural.” I attended Dr. Joe’s Progressive & Advanced Workshops in Tampa, Florida in late January/early February in 2017. My life was beginning to change at a rapid pace and some friends remarked that they too could see me changing. I continued reading, changing and attending workshops. I’ve now taken a total of 5 of Dr. Joe’s workshops.

Dr. Joe people love to gather in groups in person and on social media. I now have joined several of “Dr. Joe’s” Facebook groups. In one of them I heard about Bob Monroe and The Monroe Institute. I thought that sounded good and I should explore there next.

My pattern is that I am somehow introduced to someone who I think is very interesting, then read their books and if even more interested, attend their workshops. I grow, learn, obtain skills and apply them in areas of healing, personal development and exploration into the non-physical realms.

I attended my first residential program at the Monroe Institute in Virginia in March 2018. It’s their Intro program called “Gateway.” Since then I’ve taken Guidelines at Monroe Canada with Paul Elder (July 2018), MC2 with Dr. Joe Gallenberger (April 2019), and the Near Death Experience Intensive with Dr. Scott Taylor, September 2019.

Coinciding with my Monroe Experience was my introduction to astrophysicist Dr. Tom Campbell, Bob Monroe’s first student in the summer of 2018. I have now read his life altering trilogy “My Big Theory of Everything” or MY Big Toe or MBT. This trilogy is very hard to read, understand and assimilate. However, it’s the most belief busting, life changing and mind expanding book I’ve ever read. Tom is in a league of his own. It’s my hope that he wins the Nobel Prize in Physics for his ground breaking, innovative, genius experiments in non-physical reality. I’ve had the privilege to attend two of Tom’s MBT Intensive workshops.

The podcast.
I’m sharing all of my knowledge and experience with you from my work on this path. I’m hoping that you don’t have to go it alone like I’ve been doing. I’m here to shine the light on these extraordinary people doing extraordinary things that you can do too. I give you resources, references and information that you can use to decide your path and gain the skills that will help you in your personal growth and development. Take what you can use and ignore the rest.

The podcast is about helping people learn about exploring consciousness in its many dimensions. This includes meditation, awakenings, healing, near death experiences, higher consciousness, consciousness research, out-of-body experiences, workshops and seminars.