The Past Lives Podcast Ep85 – Ingrid Honkala

The Past Lives Podcast Ep85 – Ingrid Honkala

Near Death Experience, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Ingrid Honkala about her book “A Brightly Guided Life: How a Scientist Learned to Hear her Inner Wisdom”. Ingrid says of her book; The focus of this book is not the history of Ingrid, for the world is made of many amazing histories of incredible people. My intention with this book is to guide you to discover your own Self. It is to take you beyond your personal experiences and histories, and to guide you to see that we are something beyond the form. The beginning of the awakening of my own conscious awareness came to me when I drowned in a tank of frigid water, when I was only three. Through the years as I remembered my lifeless body suspended in the water I…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep84 – Debra diamond

The Past Lives Podcast Ep84 – Debra diamond

Near Death Experience, Podcasts
This week my guest is Debra Diamond. Debra is a medium and we talk about her book Life After Near Death: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Transformation in the Extraordinary Lives of People With Newfound Powers. Debra Diamond, Ph.D. is a former top ranked Wall Street Money Manager, regular CNBC commentator and former Professor at Johns Hopkins University she left her career to pursue a life of service and spirituality. is a natural psychic/medium and medical intuitive who was gifted with her abilities as a child. Life After Near Death profiles a dozen cases of near-death experience after-effects, including newfound musical and artistic talents, mathematical gifts, enhanced hearing, elevated IQ, improved vision, spontaneous healing, and electrical sensitivity. Bridging the gap between science and spirituality, Life After Near Death explores these…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep83 – Dr Mark Pitstick

The Past Lives Podcast Ep83 – Dr Mark Pitstick

Afterlife, Near Death Experience, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week I am talking to Dr Mark Pitstick about his book 'Greater Reality Living, Integrating the Evidence for Eternal Consciousness'. Much evidence strongly indicates that bodily death is not the end of your life, but rather an entry point into the next phase of life. This evidence, combined with a highly probable emergence of spirit communication technology as early as 2018, will very likely create a major shift in the human experience. Our goal is to provide an evidence-based integrative foundation for expanding your awareness of the greater reality, the vast portion of life that cannot be perceived by your five senses. We hope to prepare you and as many people as possible to realize that life continues after physical death. From that perspective, you can best choose how…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep82 – Robert Davis P.H.D

The Past Lives Podcast Ep82 – Robert Davis P.H.D

Afterlife, Near Death Experience, Podcasts
This week I am talking about Dr Robert Davis Book 'Unseen Forces The Integration of Science, Reality and You'. In this book many aspects of the peak experience are covered. Bob looks at alternate realms, communication with the dead, non-human entities, UFOs or UAPs, out-of-body and near-death experiences, psychic and healing abilities. Bob pulls these different things together and after reading the book we see they may all be connected. That there is something in the peak experience that is coming from or interlaced with consciousness and spirit. Interactions with alternate realms, the dead, and non-human entities; out-of-body and near-death experiences; psychic and healing abilities; mystical and peak experiences and more have opened the door to unseen forces and questions about consciousness, life, and reality that science struggles to explain.This…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep81 – Listener’s Stories

The Past Lives Podcast Ep81 – Listener’s Stories

Afterlife, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week on The Past Lives Podcast I have a selection of listener's stories. I asked for members of the Facebook group to send me their paranormal or spiritual experiences. I have recorded them and I find them to be fascinating. Another thing this shows is that people are having these things happen to them all around us. A few months ago I did a between lives session with Wendy Rose Williams. I have put 30 minutes of the recording of that session into this episode of The Past Lives Podcast. When listening I believe you can tell that I am hypnotised because of the sound of my voice it, sounds like I have just woken up. I have also edited the conversation as there are long pauses after Wendy…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep80 – John C Hagan MD

The Past Lives Podcast Ep80 – John C Hagan MD

Near Death Experience, Podcasts
This episode I talk to Dr John C Hagan about his book 'The Science Of Near Death Experiences'. The book has 13 chapters and are each written by a different NDE researcher. What happens to consciousness during the act of dying? The most compelling answers come from people who almost die and later recall events that occurred while lifesaving resuscitation, emergency care, or surgery was performed. These events are now called near-death experiences (NDEs). As medical and surgical skills improve, innovative procedures can bring back patients who have traveled farther on the path to death than at any other time in history. Physicians and healthcare professionals must learn how to appropriately treat patients who report an NDE. It is estimated that more than 10 million people in the United States…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep79 – The Puzzle

The Past Lives Podcast Ep79 – The Puzzle

Afterlife, Children's Memories of Past Lives, Near Death Experience, Past Life Regression, Podcasts, Reincarnation
This week on The Past Lives Podcast I do not have guest as I wanted to put together an episode that looked at the big picture. I was talking to Tricia Robertson in episode 76 about how there were so many different pieces of evidence that show the reality of an afterlife and that it was like a jigsaw puzzle. For example these different puzzle pieces would be NDEs, children with verified past life memories, death bed visions an so on. I have interviewed many people with experiences and expertise in all these different areas. So what I've done in this episode is bring together these puzzle pieces and try and get an overview and see how they fit together.
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep78 – Claire Broad

The Past Lives Podcast Ep78 – Claire Broad

Afterlife, Podcasts
In this episode of The Past Lives Podcast I talk to the medium Claire Broad about her new book 'What The Dead Are Dying To Teach Us: Lessons Learned from the Afterlife'. As a young child, Claire experienced psychic phenomena, as she grew older her experiences and the communications she received became stronger, resulting in Spirit teachers making their presence known and guiding her. Naturally analytical and now an adult, Claire was forced to question the validity of her experiences against the common academic opinion surrounding survival after physical death and embarked upon a life long quest for the truth. In her refreshingly down to earth, honest and open manner, Claire shares personal stories to bring comfort and hope to many whilst highlighting findings from consciousness studies that challenge our…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep77 – Bill Bennett

The Past Lives Podcast Ep77 – Bill Bennett

Afterlife, Podcasts
This week I am talking to Bill Bennett about his film 'PGS The Movie'. PGS – Intuition is your Personal Guidance System is an 83 minute movie detailing one man’s search for a voice that saved his life. While driving early one morning, Bill Bennett heard a voice which told him to slow down. He was approaching an intersection, he slowed down, and a huge truck ran a red light, missing him by inches. If not for that voice, Bill would have been killed. He was determined to find out what that voice was, so he spent three years traveling the world interviewing experts on intuition, spanning the fields of science, religion and spirituality. Bill discovered that intuition is part of a subtle energetic system that seeks to protect us…
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The Past Lives Podcast Ep76 – Tricia Robertson

The Past Lives Podcast Ep76 – Tricia Robertson

Afterlife, Podcasts
In this episode I am talking to Tricia Robertson about her book 'More Things you Can do When You're Dead: What Can You Truly Believe?' In this eagerly awaited sequel to her successful book, Things You Can Do When You're Dead, foremost psychical investigator Tricia Robertson digs deeper into her extensive casebook to discuss a wide range of physical and mental phenomena which provide evidence for survival after death. Yet again this book is written with a no-nonsense approach to phenomena and in a knowledgeable, enjoyable, easily understood style. Book one really fired up people's appetite for more about paranormal phenomena in general and survival in particular. More Things You Can Do When You're Dead examines more cases of genuine poltergeist activity, apparitions, mediumship, paranormal healing and reincarnation, but also…
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